terça-feira, 7 de outubro de 2008


Cristãos e muçulmanos:
juntos para a dignitad da família

Cidade do Vaticano
Caros Amigos muçulmanos,

1. Ao aproximar-se o fim do mês do Ramadão, é-me grato endereçar-vos, segundo uma tradição já bem arreigada, as cordiais saudações do Conselho Pontifício para o Diálogo Inter-Religioso. Durante este mês, cristãos próximos de vós partilharam as vossas reflexões e as vossas celebrações familiares; o diálogo e a amizade reforçaram-se. Deus seja louvado!

2. Mas, tal como no passado, este encontro amigável oferece-nos também a oportunidade de reflectir juntos sobre um tema de actualidade susceptível de enriquecer os nossos intercâmbios e de nos ajudar a melhor nos conhecermos, com os nossos valores comuns e as nossas diferenças. Para este ano, pensámos propor-vos o tema da família.

3. Um dos documentos do Concílio ecuménico Vaticano II, Gaudium et Spes, sobre a Igreja no mundo contemporâneo, afirma: «O bem-estar da pessoa e da sociedade humana e cristã encontra-se estreitamente ligado à prosperidade da comunidade conjugal e familiar. Pelo que os cristãos, juntamente com todos os que têm em grande estima esta comunidade, alegram-se sinceramente com o apoio de vária ordem que faz crescer entre os homens a estima por esta comunidade de amor e o respeito pela vida, e que ajuda os esposos e os pais no cumprimento da sua excelsa missão. Daqui esperam ainda melhores resultados e esforçam-se por alcançá-los» (n. 47).

4. Estas palavras recordam-nos oportunamente que o desenvolvimento da pessoa e da sociedade depende em grande parte da prosperidade da comunidade conjugal e familiar! Quantos são os que carregam, por vezes durante toda a vida, o peso das feridas de uma situação familiar difícil ou dramática? Quantos são aqueles e aquelas que sucumbem no abismo da droga ou da violência, tentando preencher, em vão, uma infância atribulada? Cristãos e muçulmanos, podemos e devemos trabalhar conjuntamente na salvaguarda da dignidade da família, hoje e amanhã.

5. Neste âmbito, tivemos muitas vezes oportunidade de colaborar, quer a nível local quer internacional, tanto mais que cristãos e muçulmanos têm grande estima pela família. A família, lugar onde o amor e a vida, o respeito pelo outro e a hospitalidade se encontram e se transmitem, é verdadeiramente a «célula fundamental da sociedade».

6. Cristãos e muçulmanos, não devem hesitar em empenhar-se, não apenas para ajudar as famílias em dificuldade mas também para colaborar com todos os que se esforçam por promover a estabilidade da instituição familiar e o exercício da responsabilidade parental, particularmente no campo da educação. Não é demais recordar aqui que a família é a primeira escola em que se aprende o respeito pelo outro, na sua identidade e na sua diferença. O diálogo inter-religioso e a cidadania só têm a beneficiar com isso.

7. Caros Amigos, ao terminar o vosso jejum, purificados e renovados pelas práticas amadas pela vossa religião, oxalá possais ter, com as vossas famílias e com aqueles que vos são queridos, uma vida serena e próspera! Que o Deus Altíssimo vos cumule a todos da sua misericórdia e da sua paz!

Cardenal Jean-Louis Tauran

Arcebispo Pier Luigi Celata



Christians and Muslims:
Together for the dignity of the family

Vatican City

Dear Muslim friends,

1. As the end of the month of Ramadan approaches, and following a now well-established tradition, I am pleased to send you the best wishes of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue. During this month Christians close to you have shared your reflections and your family celebrations; dialogue and friendship have been strengthened. Praise be to God!

2. As in the past, this friendly rendez-vous also gives us an opportunity to reflect together on a mutually topical subject which will enrich our exchange and help us to get to know each other better, in our shared values as well as in our differences. This year we would like to propose the subject of the family.

3. One of the documents of the Second Council Vatican, Gaudium et Spes, which deals with the Church in the modern world, states: ‘The well-being of the individual person and of human and Christian society is intimately linked with the healthy condition of that community produced by marriage and family. Hence Christians and all men who hold this community in high esteem sincerely rejoice in the various ways by which men today find help in fostering this community of love and perfecting its life, and by which parents are assisted in their lofty calling. Those who rejoice in such aids look for additional benefits from them and labour to bring them about.’ (n. 47)

4. These words give us an opportune reminder that the development of both the human person and of society depends largely on the healthiness of the family! How many people carry, sometimes for the whole of their life, the weight of the wounds of a difficult or dramatic family background? How many men and women now in the abyss of drugs or violence are vainly seeking to make up for a traumatic childhood? Christians and Muslims can and must work together to safeguard the dignity of the family, today and in the future.

5. Given the high esteem in which both Muslims and Christians hold the family, we have already had many occasions, from the local to the international level, to work together in this field. The family, that place where love and life, respect for the other and hospitality are encountered and transmitted, is truly the ‘fundamental cell of society.’

6. Muslims and Christians must never hesitate, not only to come to the aid of families in difficulty, but also to collaborate with all those who support the stability of the family as an institution and the exercise of parental responsibility, in particular in the field of education. I need only remind you that the family is the first school in which one learns respect for others, mindful of the identity and the difference of each one. Interreligious dialogue and the exercise of citizenship cannot but benefit from this.

7. Dear friends, now that your fast comes to an end, I hope that you, with your families and those close to you, purified and renewed by those practices dear to your religion, may know serenity and prosperity in your life! May Almighty God fill you with His Mercy and Peace!

Jean-Louis Cardinal Tauran

Archbishop Pier Luigi Celata


Idul Fitri 1429H / 2008AD
Kota Vatikan

Saudara-saudari Umat Muslim,

1. Dengan semakin mendekatnya akhir bulan Ramadan, dan mengikuti tradisi yang kini sudah sangat mapan, dengan senang hati saya menyampaikan ucapan selamat dari Dewan Kepausan untuk Dialog Antaragama. Selama bulan ini orang-orang Kristen yang akrab dengan Anda telah turut mengambil bagian dalam pengheningan refleksi Anda dan dalam perayaan-perayaan keluarga Anda. Dialog dan persahabatan semakin diperkokoh. Puji Tuhan!

2. Sebagaimana yang terjadi di masa lampau, perjumpaan persaudaraan ini juga memberi kita suatu kesempatan untuk mengadakan refleksi bersama tentang pokok pembicaraan timbal-balik yang akan semakin memperkaya hubungan kita satu sama lain dan semakin membantu meningkatkan saling pengenalan kita, baik menyangkut nilai-nilai yang dapat kita nikmati bersama, maupun menyangkut perbedaan-perbedaan di antara kita. Tahun ini kami ingin mengangkat ikhwal Keluarga.

3. Satu dari dokumen-dokumen Konsili Vatikan Kedua, yakni Gaudium et Spes, yang mengupas perihal keberadaan Gereja di dunia modern, menegaskan: ”Keselamatan pribadi maupun masyarakat manusiawi dan Kristiani erat berhubungan dengan kesejahteraan rukun perkawinan dan keluarga. Maka umat Kristiani, bersama dengan siapa saja yang menjunjung tinggi rukun hidup itu, dengan tulus hati bergembira tentang pelbagai upaya, yang sekarang ini membantu orang-orang untuk makin mengembangkan rukun cinta-kasih itu dan menghayatinya secara nyata, dan menolong para suami-isteri serta orangtua dalam menjalankan tugas mereka yang luhur. Lagi pula mereka memang mengharapkan manfaat yang lebih besar lagi dari padanya, dan berusaha untuk meningkatkannya” (no 47).

4. Penegasan itu mengingatkan kita dengan tepat sekali, bahwa perkembangan setiap pribadi manusia dan masyarakat, sebagian besar bergantung pada sehatnya keluarga. Berapa banyak orang yang harus memikul, kadang-kadang bahkan untuk seumur hidupnya, beban berat dari luka-luka batin yang diakibatkan oleh latarbelakang keluarganya yang bermasalah atau yang penuh gejolak? Berapa banyak lelaki dan perempuan yang sekarang berada dalam jurang penderitaan karena narkoba dan kekerasan, sedang berusaha dengan sia-sia untuk sampai pada pemulihan dirinya karena trauma yang diderita pada masa kecilnya? Umat Kristiani dan Umat Muslim dapat dan harus bekerjasama untuk menjamin martabat keluarga-keluarga, baik di masa sekarang ini maupun di masa-masa yang akan datang.

5. Umat Kristiani dan Umat Muslim sama-sama menjunjung tinggi martabat keluarga-keluarga. Kita juga telah mendapat banyak kesempatan, baik di tingkat lokal maupun internasional, untuk menjalin kerjasama di bidang ini. Keluarga, di mana ada cinta dan kehidupan, di mana saling menghormati dan keramah-tamahan dijumpai dan diserahalihkan sebagai harta warisan, adalah sungguh-sungguh “sel dasar dari masyarakat”.

6. Umat Kristiani dan Umat Muslim hendaknya tidak pernah boleh ragu-ragu, bukan hanya dalam hal mengulurkan tangan membantu keluarga-keluarga yang berada dalam kesulitan, tetapi juga bekerjasama dengan siapa saja yang mempunyai keprihatinan untuk mendukung stabilitas kedudukan keluarga sebagai sebuah lembaga dan tempat diembannya tanggungjawab orangtua, khususnya di bidang pendidikan. Kiranya hanya satu saja yang ingin saya garisbawahi untuk Anda: Keluarga adalah sekolah pertama di mana seorang belajar untuk menghormati yang lain, dengan memperhatikan sepenuhnya identitas dan perbedaan antara yang satu dengan yang lain. Kiranya hal itu hanya akan membawa keuntungan bagi dialog antaragama dan penghayatan kewarganegaraan kita.

7. Sahabat-sahabat yang terkasih, menjelang berakhirnya ibadat puasa Anda, saya berharap, bahwa Anda, bersama dengan keluarga Anda dan mereka semua yang karib dengan Anda, dengan mendapatkan pemurnian dan pembaharuan dari melaksanakan ibadat yang sangat dijunjung tinggi dalam agama Anda ini, sungguh akan menikmati kecerahan dan kesejahteraan dalam hidup Anda! Semoga Allah subhanahu wa taala memenuhi Anda dengan kerahiman dan kedamaianNya.

Jean-Louis Kardinal Tauran

Uskup Agung Pier Luigi Celata

quinta-feira, 2 de outubro de 2008

VATICAN UCAN Document - Christians And Muslims Must Cooperate To Defend Family

September 22, 2008 ZY05801.1516 1259 words

VATICAN CITY (UCAN) -- "Christians and Muslims can and must work together to safeguard the dignity of the family," the Vatican says in greeting the world's 1 billion Muslims as they prepare to celebrate the feast of Id al-Fitr.

French Cardinal Jean Louis Tauran, president of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, signed the message, which the Vatican press office released on Sept. 19. The council issued the text in Arabic, English, French and Italian, but translations are available in several other languages including Indonesian, Thai and Urdu.

The theme of family was chosen for this year's message "because both Christians and Muslims hold the family in high esteem," Father Markus Solo, SVD told Gerard O'Connell , UCA News special correspondent in Rome . The 40-year-old Indonesian Divine Word priest serves as desk officer for Christian-Muslim dialogue in Asia at the pontifical council.

"Today, people have the impression that throughout the world interreligious dialogue is stepping forwards and backwards at the same time," he stated.

Certainly, he acknowledged, "interreligious dialogue is facing various difficulties, " but he added that progress in this field "is not a matter of statistics" but rather a "question of consciousness. "

At the root of the difficulties "we find a lack of respect for differences, for the otherness of people, a lack of love, a lack of sensitivity to plurality." In other words, "the values that must be practiced and shown in the family" are absent, he explained.

Christians and Muslims both consider the family "the first school of children," Father Solo said, because "it is in the family that children learn to love and to respect others, also with their different religion and culture."

The family, he continued, "is the basis for peace and harmony in society," and "therefore the role of the family is significant in interreligious education."

Id al-Fitr immediately follows the end of Ramadan, when Muslims fast and purify themselves. Islamic tradition holds that God, Allah, revealed the Qur'an to Prophet Muhammad during this month.

"Muslims all over the world are joyfully celebrating the feast of the Revelation of al-Qur'an with all the members of their family," Father Solo pointed out. The pontifical council, he said, felt this an appropriate occasion "to mention the fundamental role of the family in developing an interreligious way of thinking for building a better future for society through peace and harmony between religions."

The priest emphasized the Vatican 's conviction, stated in the message, that "peace and harmony between the religions depends very much on the good education of the children."

In the text, which the Vatican sent to international Muslim organizations, Cardinal Tauran notes that through their mutual esteem for the family, Muslims and Christians "have already had many occasions, from the local to the international level, to work together in this field."

Father Solo elaborated by saying the field for this collaboration "is today very broad and extensive," and "all who are active in promoting dialogue" between the followers of both religions, not just religious leaders, have the task of promoting this.

Collaboration can take different forms, he explained, including "theoretical work" such as "organizing seminars, symposiums, conferences and research" so as to help transmit "the importance of the family in educating for interreligious dialogue."

On a more practical level, he continued, it includes "visiting other families in the neighborhood, sharing experiences of education and family worries regarding children, and so on."

The role of the family in promoting dialogue and harmony between Muslims and Christians "is a crucial issue" today, he reiterated, saying he hopes the Church at the local level "will motivate the promoters of interreligious dialogue to give attention to this."

For its part, he said, the Pontifical Council will pay greater attention to this theme in its interreligious activities both at the Vatican and worldwide.

This is the 41st year that the Vatican office for dialogue with other religions has sent an Id al-Fitr greeting to Muslims worldwide. The feast begins with the sighting of the new moon, which is expected around Sept. 30.

Over the years Vatican sources have told UCA News "very many" Muslims respond positively to this annual message, with some sending reciprocal greetings at Christmas and Easter to Catholics.

(By Fr. Markus Solo, SVD)