THE PARTICIPANTS (45) Sisters representing a variety of apostolates like MA/JPIC, VIVAT International, education, formation, pastoral care and indigenous apostolate gave the Assembly a richness and depth that come from experience and expertise. Sr. M. Theresia joined the Assembly in its concluding moments. Sr. Agada Brand participated in the entire Assembly.
THE AIM of the Assembly was to achieve a more integrated and effective SSpS missionary presence in the Americas by mutual collaboration and networking among the Provinces and among coordinators of various areas.
THE METHODOLOGY AND PROCESS included input sessions on “Images of the Trinity and Images of Communion” , “Mission Today: dialogue ad intra and dialogue ad extra” , “Analysis of the Latin American situation in the light of the Document of the Aprecida” , and “Round table panels on relevant Latin American themes and concerns” . VIVAT International used the opportunity to make known its nature, aim and function to an otherwise little acquainted audience in terms of their familiarity with our NGO. With the help of guide questions for group discussions, through personal reflection and in open forums the Sisters explored the possibility of bringing about a new direction for the Americas. A half- day exposure in small groups to the frontier realities of Ponta Grossa and a subsequent reflection together on the experience helped the members to see for themselves the many faces of poverty in the society. Meaningful and creative liturgies, animated music and spontaneous expressions of communion and solidarity marked the event as uniquely Latin American in flavor.
STATEMENT, LINE OF ACTION AND STRATEGIES OF THE ASSEMBLY I shall give a gist of the Assembly Statement using a liberal translation. It reads: “As a community of missionary disciples, open to the Spirit and committed to the poor and the excluded, in the light of the Word of God and in an attitude of constant conversion, we seek to respond to the realities of today, thus contributing towards a better humanization and reconciliation. For this, we need a formation that is integral, ongoing, holistic and in and for mission especially in frontier situations”.
We hope to materialize this dream by: 1. Promoting joint planning 2. Implementing network and collaboration
The Strategies include inter alia,
Taking more seriously our responsibility as members, towards VIVAT International and networking with other NGOs and institutions which are in keeping with our charism.
Encouraging professional training for our sisters and communication and participation both
internal and external.
Proper planning, execution and evaluation of our work at personal and community
levels. The Assembly ended generating a lot of enthusiasm and optimism for our mission in the Americas. What will not end, however, is enduring determination and concerted action, it is hoped.
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