Report 16
Report / German Province
Justice – Peace and Integrity of Creation
Coordination of he work of specific work areas in the province Every year, two meetings of the specific areas of work are thematically prepared, organized and carried out. Participating in this coordination were the provincial leadership, mission animation and JPIC.
The different groups of sisters in the mission areas such as mission animation, formation, vocation promotion, JPIC, media work and members care, came together to share their experiences with the provincial leadership. They met two times in order to work together to find agreements on topics and how to cooperate under a common theme. That meeting resulted in the joint training for all sisters in the province. The common theme for 2007 was "Globalization and its implications and consequences in today's world." For 2008 it will be the theme of the general chapter: "Afire with Christ - committed to Life" focusing on the implementation of the attitude of Jesus to the people in the present time. This working theme is subject to all groups in their respective areas.
Ongoing Formation
For all members of the SSpS communities in the province these seminars are the base for information. In these seminars the sisters receive encouragement and suggestions for responsible actions in our world. The annual theme in 2007 was "Globalization". For this theme common material was prepared. The speakers were all sisters from the province who offered in various convents a 3-4 day long seminar. Ten courses were in autumn 2007 and in spring 2008. The sisters were very open to this subject. For autumn 2008 and spring 2009, continuing seminars on ongoing formation for the sisters are planned under the motto of the general chapter "Afire with Christ – committed to Life". In our mind we should always be committed to today's life. Let us not withdraw into privacy or to allow a ghetto, but let us take on the challenge and respond to the questions of the people. The preparation of these seminars is still pending.
Fight against human trafficking and protection for women and girls against sexual exploitation. In this area work full time, Sr. Bernadette Dunkel and Sr. Benedikta Böckelmann. In a women's shelter in Duisburg maintained by Sr. Bernadette, there live several women who are victims of trafficking or victims of violence in family and partnership. The work is sometimes very stressful and requires a lot of dedication and strength.
In Boppard, Sr Benedikta works in the coordination of 12 counselling centres against human trafficking and sexual exploitation of women and girls for the Women's organization SOLWODI - Solidarity with women in distress. A of her further tasks is the coordination of religious women in Germany and Eastern-Europe in the fight against trafficking in women. She leads as well a working group of religious women against trafficking of women und children.
A very important and impressive event was the "emergency-hotline” for women before, during and after the football World Cup 2006 in Germany (3 months). Thirty coworkers from all over Europe helped in the preparation, training and implement-tation of the emergency calls. The sixteen coworkers were sisters from various religious communities in Eastern and Central Europe, among them the SSpS Sisters Katarina Florková from Slovakia and Laetitia NN from Steyl. In the meantime there are requests from religious communities from Romania, South Africa, Switzerland, Austria, Britain and the U.S.A, which want to know about our experiences in this area. Some of them are planning for similar sports events and also for own actions against violence.
Participation in the demonstration against the G8 Summit in June 2007 in Heiligendamm, Germany
In Heiligendamm, near Rostock, under the German presidency the 8 heads of the governments of the economically well-to-do countries met, in order to exchange ideas on economic developments. In the beginning, these meetings had been held independently from the protocol of major conferences, in order to look for common interests, to get to know each other better, and to build a foundation of trust for joint actions in politics.
In the view of many non-governmental organizations the meetings are now a means of power in order to plan certain economic and political actions among the strong nations. This body is accused to show not enough consideration for the poverty realities in many countries, especially in Africa. Therefore, the protest in 2007 was aimed at:
- the lack of fighting poverty in Africa and in Central American countries.
- the lack of hunger eradication and of drinking water supplies.
- the hesitant consideration of the change in climate, (esp. the refusal of cooperation
of the U.S.A)
The protest movement had been planned by several NGOs over a long period of time. Ecumenical groups, which for years have been working primarily in the fields of environmental and development problems in the world organized within the protest movement their own protest group with work-shops and church services. At the same time, they participated in the great general protest demonstrations.
From the Steyler Missionary Sisters, several younger sisters and lay missionaries took time to participate in the demonstration. For the sisters and young people it was an important part of their commitment to peace, justice and care of creation. Sandra Lassak wrote a longer experience report.
AIDS Campaign (Work continued in Steyl)
Sr. Margret Theresa Driessen keeps on participating in meetings on this topic and afterwards distributes information material to the other sisters so that they are able to use it for their work and to share it with others as well.
Fair Trade (Laupheim) Sr. Charlotte Irmler does in addition to her work still very much in the field of "One World groups" and "One World-Shop" (fair trade). She is the local community leader and in charge of the liturgy for Sundays and Feast days in our house in Laupheim.
During the renovation of the house a solar power system was installed on the roof of one part of the house for energy production.
Sr. Benedikta Böckelmann, SSpS
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