Report 4
In our Province there are two communities in which our Sisters specially work in the "migrant mission". And they are Tilburg and The Hague communities. These are international communities.
What are they doing there?
I can mention a wide range of activities.
First, Tilburg: the members of the community are supporting different organisations as: Economic Resource Centre for Migrants and Overseas Filipinos.
- aid to refugees/giving guidance and accompaniment to two families
- two Sisters are 'crisis buddies' for foreigners especially coming from Africa who are HIV-infected.
- one Sister works in an organisation called "De Ketting" (Chain) - this helps women to become aware of their dignity so they can stand for their rights. It is women empowerment.
- One Sister works in an organisation called "Mission Service Centre"- this gives help and assistance to the marginalized of the society - drug addicts, homeless, persons with psychological problems, people who cannot cope with the demands of the fast moving and fast changing society. She also works for ex-psychiatric patients by holding an evening where they can come together, relax and eat together. She is also responsible for a Children's Clubhouse, a group of children coming from poor families; they come together for recreation and socialisation. There is also involvement in an organisation or foundation "Religious Against Trafficking of Women."
Many Sisters of the Dutch Province are also involved in writing letters and Christmas cards to political prisoners and they do this via Amnesty International.
The Hague: What are the Sisters doing in The Hague?
- Until now there are still refugees waiting for the decision of the Dutch government whether they will be allowed to stay or to be sent back to their country of origin. The Sisters refer them to some organisations to be given the necessary help. Visiting them and listening to their stories are a good help. They encourage them also to learn the Dutch language. They also come to the Sisters' home for counselling or for language learning. These refugees come mostly from Africa, Asia and Latin America. The Dutch government is becoming stricter to them and many were already sent back.
- One Sister coordinates with the Commission for Filipino Migrant Workers. By networking with other organisations, they hope to be granted amnesty by the government. -The alarming existence of youth delinquency and family problems are everywhere. The Sisters respond to this by continuing contact with parents and youth in the area. Through Humanitas, an international organisation, the Sisters reach out to many families. The aim is always to come to dialogue, whether through cultural or religious activities. This is our mission. In the process of doing this, we learn that real dialogue starts in our hearts.
We always hope that all our efforts be fruitful and be blessed by the Lord, the GOD of justice and peace.
Written by: Sister Imaria Niessen, SSpS
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