Riport 7
1) Themes of self-awareness carried out in a concrete way:
· Trafficking women in Austria and Europe (Angelika Kartusch)
· A series of reports about Islam (P. Dr. Markus Solo)
· Workshop on Reconciliation in every day life Dr. Pete Hämmerle)
· Persevering development (Dr. A. Strigl)
· Forming Creation and Preservation - a Contradiction? (Dr. W. Stark)
To all these meetings were invited our sisters and people from the parishes.
· Workshops "Christian Hospital" for the leading members of the staff by Dr. P. Zulehner.
· Seminars: to get off drugs, alcohol, smoking
· Evaluation-Day "Coping with conflict and stress-situations"
2) Participation in Signing Actions (CSI, AI), yearly March of Demonstration in Silence for the persecuted Christians; candle of Hope
3) Supporting GFS-magazines: "Ost-Westwind", "Pax-Christi", "Unser Projekt", „Missio"
4) Fair trade: EZA and Bio products from small shops in the surrounding area
5) Some community have their own bio garden
6) Cooperation with Local Authorities in cleaning promenades of the river banks.
7) Donations for Projects producing lasting energies (wind, sun, foto voltaik)
8) Very important is the direct contact to people in need: cooking and distributing soup
to the homeless; one sister gives medical help; counselling of people (Oase); Hospiz; Caritas work in the parish; commitment regarding threatened unborn life - accompanying traumatized women; women in crises and language-students can live with us for a
limited time; eg. 4 Sisters from Zambia stayed with our Vienna-Community a few months A new challenge is our own school with ever more children from different cultures and Churches.
Hospital-projects: "Village of Peace". "International Alliance for children", sick, handicapped children from war-torn countries get medical help and care. Our senior-nurses give special attention to patients before and after operation. Club-food-project in Mali/West Africa. The same Orthopedic Hospital releases doctors 34 times a year for this mission. Pro iect "Donationsbox" for HIV/AIDS. Project "Family-friendly-Hospital" to make life easier for nurses with a family.
9) Attitudes
Mediation of peace; simple life style; second hand-clothing; getting together with neighbours and owners.
Careful and gentle way with the gifts of the creation and gratefulness for the beauty of The nature. Trips with public traffic whenever possible.
10) Celebration - Prayer: Day of Creation and "Erntedankfest". Prayer-Hotline:
We notice a growing interest for GFS. Yet our co-responsibility of the consumer-goods of our Western World - as we are part of it - is in need of improvement.
As women following Jesus, we are happy to give our power and voice to the poor who challenge us and enrich us with their gifts.
Sr. Felixine Kofler SSpS
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